檔案大小:22.5 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
San Antonio Homes and Living helps you buy, sell, rent, browse, and invest in real estate?in San Antonio and the surrounding areas- using the same comprehensive, accurate MLS data professional agents use . . . all in the palm of your hand.
Conveniently and easily discover, in real-time, the properties you want to see as they come on the market . . . custom sorted by neighborhood, price range, address, school district, and more. Instantly explore for-sale homes as you drive by them!
Use the dynamic map to see homes on the market in your search area or from your current location. Touch the property you’re interested in to see home details (including high-resolution interior and exterior photos), school districts, area points-of-interest, and more.
Create custom searches with precise criteria and receive instant notifications when target homes come on the market – making you the first to know! Conveniently see current and upcoming Open Houses with one touch.
Click “What my home worth?” to get a current market-value analysis—vital data before listing your home for sale. And relax in the knowledge that using this app won’t trigger a bombardment of agents contacting you.
Use the mortgage calculator to gain a clear understanding of your options and financial decisions!
支援平台:iPhone, iPad